Monday, April 27, 2009


This weekend, some friends & I went back in time. Okay, maybe not ALL the way back in time…I can’t afford a Delorean. We went to the Renaissance Faire. My brother & his family also went.

This is surprising for 2 reasons:
1. He very rarely hangs out with his big sisters if it’s not a family function
2. We will on occasion pry his wife out of the house, but usually more than happy to ignore our random outings.

Anyways, we had a great time. We had stopped to re-fill our mugs (because if you’re going to go back to “Ye Olde School” you gotta bring your own drinking mug) and rest. As it happens, our rest stop was next to one of the stage shows. They were having a sing along.

To be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention to the show, until I heard PENIS! (I can’t make things up, really) We were next to the over 17 stage. Where they songs are much more uhh..ballsy. It was a sing-along of some sort. They even had a sign to hold up to clue you in on when you were supposed to shout out.

Naturally, that’s when the friends & I decided we were going over to watch the show, because you KNOW I had to go over and watch a show where I was going to get to shout out PENIS! While we were still sitting around, my brother just heard singing and took his five year old daughter over. After the first verse, he runs back asking why NOBODY told him they were singing songs about body parts. My bad for assuming you heard them singing before you ran over with my niece for a sing along, OR saw the sign RIGHT AT THE ENTRANCE that said not for anyone under the age of 17, OR the penis shaped sign they were holding up that said right on it “PENIS!”

What did you THINK they were saying?


See? That’s the problem with men. Even when they’re listening they’re not listening.

Then again, maybe it's a family trait.


Anonymous said...

It's all true...I witnessed it.

Anonymous said...


SSQuo said...

selectively deaf AND bind I'd add.