Saturday, February 12, 2011

This is why opinions are like assholes...

Because everybody has one.

I have been told that I am not very black. Which...What does that even mean?

Who gets to decide how black is black? I'm not black enough because I grew up in the suburbs? Because I went to predominately white schools? Because I speak WELL (which is usually phrased as "you sound like you're white"...which is another thing I don't understand)? Because I prefer alternative music to hip hop? Because I go to Renaissance Faires?  BECAUSE I DON'T DO THINGS YOU THINK BLACK PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO?

The list goes on and on.

I grew up in the suburbs because my parents wanted to live there. At five years old, I was in no position to have opinion on where I lived. Also? I should mention that I have gone to schools catered to gifted type students for as long as I've been getting an education. Yes. I'm a super smart motherfucker. And on top of that, my father would pop me right in the mouth for saying things like "huh?" and "yeah". So there was additional incentive to speaking properly. And just because I PREFER alternative to hip hop, doesn't mean I don't ever listen to Jazz, or R&B, or even rap. If I feel like it. I go to Ren Faires because they're fun. And my mom used to take me when I was a kid growing up. And I am keeping the tradition going by taking my kid when the Ren Faire returns to Southern California.

But these things are neither here or there. Because I'm going to let you in on a little secret: There is no measuring stick on blackness. I am black; therefore, everything I do is something that a black person does. Even if that black person is just me.

I'm black because it's what my father is, and what my mother (mostly) is. Like most, I am a mixture of other things. But I identify MYSELF as black.

So who are you to tell me I'm not?

You can blame this rant on mochamomma and grace. And the fact that people can be assholes.


Toni said...

I don't know why, but some people just feel the need to categorise everyone. Maybe they were librarians in a former life. Or maybe, as you say, just assholes.

Tyrone said...

Black should not automatically mean poor grammar, lack of education and living in a bad neighborhood. Not ever. That's their narrow-mindedness at work, def not a reflection of you.

Superjules said...

Oh I like that: everything you do is something a black person does. BECAUSE YOU ARE DOING IT.

miss tejota said...

Such a great post and you are correct "There is no measuring stick on blackness."

agirlnamedmel said...

My friend Riisa gets told this by her family ALL THE TIME. HER FAMILY! It's bullshit. You know what also drives me crazy, my father's wife is black. They've been together for like 15yrs and he still talks about it like it matters to people. Not in an offensive way, but like he's doing something new. It drives me friggin bananas.

Jenny Grace said...

Oh I love this.

Swistle said...

Ditto Superjules! That was my favorite part, too!

Mom2Jazz said...

I just think you're crazy. But that's why I less than three you.

Mocha said...

Yep. Love. Love that you mentioned the Renaissance Faire, too. I am now picturing you eating a huge turkey leg.
