My husband and I cook in different ways. I make a list of what I plan to make for dinner for 7 days. I will check the kitchen to see what I already HAVE, so that I know what to get. (I had to start doing that after I started buying insane amounts of tomato sauce because I kept forgetting that I had some). Add in crap for The Brat’s lunch, which she takes because HELLO? It’s cheaper, AND she can have what she likes – hot cheetos and pears, instead of scary cafeteria food, and shit for MY lunch and we’re done. That list of what’s for dinner? Is now on the ‘fridge so that I don’t forget – because my memory is THAT BAD y’all.
The Man? Will dig around in the kitchen and throw something together that is usually pretty good. Awesome, right? I come home and dinner is already cooked. Most wives would be all grateful and “wow the house
And that’s when I realized it. I never thought of myself as a control freak, but maybe I am.
Even though (I think) I am fairly laid back...I am a list maker, a picky eater (I can NOT eat a salad that I did not make myself. REALLY), I will re-write something because it doesn’t look the way I want it to look, I wrap my friend’s presents for her because O.M.G is she a horrible gift wrapper, and every time The Man makes dinner and uses something that I bought for something else, I want to junk punch him. WTF is wrong with me?
I’m a control freak. ::SIGH:: There, I said it.
I’m so used to doing it all; I don’t let anybody do anything. I will do all the cooking, all the cleaning, all the laundry (because did you REALLY just fold my towels like that?). Because I feel like if I don’t do it, it won't get done. Because my kids are lazy assholes who also incur my wrath if they do it
As someone pointed out recently, I don’t HAVE to do everything. And I remember….I was all excited when The Man retired because that meant I’d have help, so I DON’T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING. Anybody seeing a trend? Yeah, me too.
I’m trying. But its hard, so very hard (yeah yeah…. #thatswhatshesaid). But I guess I don’t have to be in control of the universe, as long as I can still be the Queen.
Sigh....I have to leave the room when the kid fold towels or do the dishes-becuase that is the only way I can "let" them do it without getting pissed. :) So maybe we are BOTH freaks, but we are in good company. ARE my sister. I just got pissy at michelle for not folding the towels correctly while she was helping me do laundry this weekend.
Remember, oh, about a million years ago, when I first found your blog? It was a post about your marriage and how you and your husband tease the crap out of each other and all? Yeah - well, I said it then and I'm sticking with *are* my twin, separated at birth!! Oh, how I've missed you all these years! LOL!!!
Thankfully, I do all the cooking- and my knucklehead has a shelf in the pantry where the stuff he MAY use is stashed.
Angel I do that to. However my Man has no idea I am crowding him into his own corner of the pantry, refrigerator, and bathroom cabinet...T
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