Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Rhetorical Question

So. Say you are invited to a friend’s party. An 80’s vs. 90’s party where pretty much EVERYBODY has gotten into flashback spirit. There are bodysuits, pretty in pink type prom dresses, and even big gold chains. Didn’t even hear a song older than 1999. And as a girl, whose teen years were in the 80’s and partied in the 90’s, *I* would know. Even Humpty Hump was there! (Okay, maybe not the REAL humpty…but a reasonable facsimile)

A good time was had by ALL y’all. I just have one question

@dancanielle "The Bomb" Photbomber

Is it rude to photobomb Humpty when he’s mugging for the camera?

I saw this picture on FB and I couldn’t resist tagging her because REALLY? That is just TOO funny.


miss tejota said...

You have to photobomb Humpty. He would demand it of you.

mel said...

It's a must. Some people say he looks like McHammer on crack ;)

Tara said...

That's hilarious, photobombing Humpty is awesome!