Friday, September 19, 2008

It's like going to Disneyland

But for grown ups.

You know how when you were a kid and your parent/s told you that you were going to Disneyland and you could barely get your shit together because all you could think about is what ride you were going to get on first, and if you were tall enough to get on Space Mountain and how no amount of money on God's green and beautiful earth would get you to ride in the submarine crammed in there with 50-11 tourists/strangers breathing up my air. Okay. Well, the last part may have just been me.

But I digress. Every day I'm just a little bit closer to my Disneyland. I'm looking forward to not having to come to work for a couple days. I'm trying to decide what to pack (aside from my stupid boot), and thinking of how much FUN I'm going to have. I'm daydreaming about it...all the stuff I'm gonna do: A rollercoaster, a concert , sleep in, drink, gamble, flirt with cute boys, push my luck, drink... wait. Did I say drink twice? Well, I'm certainly gonna drink more than twice! I'm going to Las Vegas!

I've got 5 days, 23 hours, 33 minutes and 10 seconds until Vegas....

You can thank Just Miss for my Vegas on the Brain it time to go yet? 'bout now?


Julie H said...

Woop Woop have a drink for me! We went in June and had a great time.

MarĂ­a said...

Come get me.

Miss said...

Whoot! Vegas baby! It IS like Disneyland for grownups. Spank a stripper for me!

Lump said...

LUCKY!! Please drink some tequila or vodka or rum or a nice beer for me! :)

Kori said...

Oh, you lucky dog! I don't know about drinking or spanking a stripper for me, ha ha, but dude, FLIRT for me, will you?